CDS achieves Planet Mark Business Certification for the third year

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We are proud to announce that we have achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification for our third year! This is an incredible achievement that has required a collective effort from our entire team.

This comes from following our pledge to become carbon neutral by 2050 and reduce our emissions by half by 2030.

View of lush green tree in front of CDS Riverside HQ.

The Planet Mark logoThe Planet Mark Business Certification is an internationally recognised sustainability certification for businesses that encourages continuous progress, promotes action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals.

Measuring our carbon footprint and setting targets have been crucial in helping us make a positive difference. Our staff’s hard work has enabled us to achieve an incredible feat; by implementing sustainable solutions across the company, we have reduced our carbon emissions by 38.1%, with a 34.9% reduction per employee.

Our Planet Mark Business Certification allows us to reduce our impact on the planet and provides us with more opportunities to make further positive contributions towards our environment and society.

Our pledge goes towards protecting the Asháninka community in an area of the Peruvian rainforest thanks to our partnership with Cool Earth: a charity helping to protect almost 100,000 hectares of biodiverse, rich rainforest across three continents.

Through our commitment, we are also helping the Eden Project, an educational charity creating connections between people and the natural world to highlight the power of working together towards a better future.

We are excited to continue our sustainability journey and make a positive impact on our business and the community. We hope to inspire other organisations to take action against climate change and join us in creating a movement for change.

You can read our reduction plan here.