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Where to start when deploying new digital strategies

Written by CDS Marketing | 49 February 2021

Is it your time to press the reset button? Do you want to deploy new strategies and ideas?

If someone had told me at the start of the first lockdown that we would still be working from home in February 2021, I'm not sure what my reaction would have been. I don't think many of us expected to be where we are now. And yet, there is hope. The speedy roll-out of the vaccine gives us a reason to battle on until the time comes when life returns to a degree of normality.

We all crave and want to see glimpses of that life pre-COVID, with familiar activities re-appearing in our day-to-day routines. Your favourite restaurant reopening, the local pub is pouring pints again, and perhaps even a holiday that isn't a trip to the British coastline.

Many people are still working remotely in the business world, continuing to log in for virtual meetings and daily stand-ups, perhaps just not quite with the same level of enthusiasm. The refreshing novelty of working from home has passed.

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Business leaders and project teams continue to formulate new strategies and priorities from their homes. Depending on the impact you've experienced, these could be wildly different visions to those you held at the start of 2020. Regardless of the scale of your disruption, it's essential to move your business forward and to build momentum. Pushing pause is no longer an option. Taking action is critical to survival.

It makes sense to analyse, audit and research where you are now and then agree on the best way forward. I know. Easier said than done!

The surveys and insights we're all reading contain a few common themes. It is not surprising to hear budgets are cut and costs are keenly managed. Large-scale transformation projects continue, but the justification and value behind them carry greater scrutiny and validation.

We've witnessed an appreciation and desire to battle on with business-critical projects. But before organisations hit that go button, there is a need to conduct an in-depth research and discovery exercise to understand the options, the challenges that lie ahead, and the methods and approaches best suited to implementation and delivery.

At CDS, we've developed a rapid business discovery process that helps you solve your business challenges. If these challenges sound familiar – we can help:

  • Poor customer or staff experiences due to disconnected systems and processes
  • Inability to make informed decisions from data due to a lack of skills or technology
  • Behind the times, a need to digitise, automate, and leverage new technologies
  • Uncertainty around what you're doing now and how to change things

Our process allows you to understand your capabilities, assess the options and solutions available to you, and provides you with a roadmap and plan for the future.

This method aligns with your budgets and will help galvanise support, unearth evidence, and engage stakeholders. Our independent and immersive view offers a practical and honest account of where the organisation is now and the steps you need to take to realise your ambitions.

The planning and preparation that comes before a business change is critical. The companies that take a step back and do the necessary due diligence are the ones that succeed because they follow a strategic approach that makes sense to everyone involved, resulting in less friction and push back when delivering business transformation projects. We're here to help, working with you to develop evidence and data-driven plans that make a positive difference.