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Staff Q&A: A brief encounter with... Christian Bouet

Written by CDS Marketing | 138 May 2023

Here at CDS, we’re incredibly proud of our 170-strong team – after all, they’re the ones who make all the magic happen.

That’s why, every month, we’re giving our blog readers a chance to get to know each member of the CDS family in our employee Q&A series.

Next up in the hot seat is our Head of Technology, Christian Bouet. With just 10 minutes on the clock, let’s go…

1. Sum up your role at CDS in one sentence:

I'm here to help our customers get real value from digital transformation projects and help my team at CDS deliver them.

2. What’s your favourite thing about your job? 

I enjoy building teams and helping them work towards bigger goals than any individual could ever achieve. I like understanding the long-term strategic goals for both our customers and CDS and then linking them all the way back to the daily decisions we all make.

3. How did you become Head of Technology?

As it happened, I didn't actually apply for that role at CDS! By coincidence, the Head of Technology role became available while I was applying to work at CDS, and having been Head of Engineering at a large corporate software organisation before, I was invited for a second interview. It all just clicked.

4. What drew you towards choosing CDS as an employer? 

A smaller, family-owned company with high ethics. Having come from a large, global company, I was looking for a place where I could help drive the business forward beyond executing process decisions and where any such actions had a real impact on people's lives. It's a typical post-Covid sentiment, but putting my skills to good use for our team at CDS, our customers, and all the people they serve makes it so much easier to get up in the morning!

5. Describe the CDS ethos in just three words: 

Friendly, professional, and quality-focused.

6. What’s been your favourite project so far and why? 

Helping to build the amazing team we now have in place at CDS. I'm very proud and humbled to lead this group of super-talented people.

7. Which brand would you love to work on a digital project with? 

Shelter. The disparity in our society is growing, and while I got lucky that the role of Head of Technology was open when I applied at CDS, some people had the reverse situation and have ended up homeless as a result of events outside their control. So while I donate as often as I can, I would love to apply my professional skills to help them.

8. Complete this sentence: For businesses, employing an effective digital strategy means… 

Deep understanding of why they are doing it and a clear communication of what they are trying to achieve. Most unsuccessful attempts occur when one, or both, of these two points are missed. But if both points are met, success usually follows.

9. For a bit of fun, if CDS were a variety of biscuits, which would it be and why? 

Chocolate flapjack, with some sprinkles. Looks great, tastes great, and is full of proper nutritional, filling, real food!

10. Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to your 10-year-old self, what would it be? 

In two years, when your swimming coach talks you into not doing the National Championship 50-metre freestyle, stand fast and follow your dream. If you know you are good at something, then follow through and see if you are, but equally accept if you are not. But if you believe in it, then go for it!